How to - Registration

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1. Click on REGISTER

2. Click on Register Now

3. Click on Algomoneo Private and then click on Next

4. Enter the exact amount you are about to lock here. Based on the amount entered, the tier corresponding to this amount will be displayed. Then click on Next.

5. In the third step, accurately fill in the required information and click on Next.

6. In step 4, create your username. The username must not contain spaces or special characters, but it can include numbers. Then, create a password that must be at least 8 characters long; you can combine letters, numbers, and special characters. The username and password will be used to log in to your Algomoneo account. After creating your username and password, read the terms of use and then confirm them. By doing so, you are agreeing to the terms of use. Continue by clicking on Next.

7. In this fifth step, you will see a summary of your Algomoneo membership. After reviewing the details, proceed by clicking on Next.

8. Select the "Deposit USDT TRC20" option and click "Finish."

9. Send USDT to the provided TRC20 address to activate your Algomoneo account.

WARNING!!!! When sending, make sure that the amount you are sending matches the amount you entered in step 2. If the sent amount does not match the amount entered in step 2, your membership in Algomoneo will not be approved, you will be notified by email, and the incorrect amount will be returned to your TRC20 address.

10. Insert a screenshot here that clearly shows the record of sending USDT to the Algomoneo TRC20 address from your TRC20 address.

11. Now, simply click on the **FINISH** button. Your registration request will then enter the verification phase, which may take up to 24 hours. Once the verification process is complete, you will receive an email confirming that your registration has been successfully approved, or you will be informed of a rejection due to a discrepancy between the amount entered in Step 2 and the amount of USDT sent to the Algomoneo TRC20 address. If your request is approved, you will be able to log in to your Algomoneo user account.

DONE! You are ready to profit.